Bitcoin wallet address 💰

Content: - Bitcoin address on user profile and ads - Bitcoin address on each ad

Give your classifieds website users the ability to share their Bitcoin address in their ads and user profile page.

With this new feature, your customers can simply enter their Bitcoin wallet address in their user profile or in the ads and it will automatically show the address and a QR code of that address.

Bitcoin address on user profile and ads

With this method, the users just need to enter their Bitcoin wallet address in their profile and it will be displayed in every ad posted by them and on their profile page.

  1. Login to your Admin panel.
  2. Go to Settings -> User Custom Fields and press New Field.
  3. Enter bitcoinaddress in the Name field, select Text 256 Chars and fill the other fields. It’s important to call this field bitcoinaddress to have the desired functionality.
  4. Click Create.

Bitcoin address on each ad

Follow the instructions below if you want to let your users choose whenever they want to show their Bitcoin wallet address on each ad. You will create an advertisement custom field and if users enter their Bitcoin address, it will be displayed in the ad page.

  1. Login to your Admin panel.
  2. Go to Settings -> Custom Fields and press New Field.
  3. Enter bitcoinaddress in the Name field, select Text 256 Chars and fill the other fields. It’s important to call this field bitcoinaddress to have the desired functionality.
  4. Click Create.