Sitemap for Classifieds Website

You already started your classified website, but then people started giving you advice on sitemaps, like submitting a sitemap to search engines? That's possible with Yclas. Read on.

So what’s a sitemap? Well, basically a site map is a document that shows all pages on your website and how they’re linked together, according to Wikipedia the definition is:

“A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for Web design, or a Web page that lists the pages on a Web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion.”

Yclas generates your sitemap automatically, so it’s very easy to submit it to google, bing or any other search engine webmaster tools and here is how to find your sitemap:

In the case that you have less than 10k ads

When you have less than 10,000 ads on your classifieds website our classifieds script generates the sitemap for you on the following URL:

To submit it to a search engine simply go to your file manager and to the folder where Yclas is installed then download the file and submit it.

In the case that you have more than 10k ads

The site map would be generated on the following URL:

Locations and Categories

In case you have many locations and categories, site map would be generated on the following URL:

How to generate a sitemap

Your sitemap is automatically generated by default at 3 am everyday, and you can generate it manually by following the steps:

  • Log in to your Admin Panel.
  • Go to Tools -> Sitemap.
  • Click “Generate”.


If you haven’t started your classifieds empire yet, you can start now