Logbee 🐝

Integrate LogBee delivery services into your website in a few simple steps. 1. If you do not have an account with Logbee yet, please create one on Logbee's official website (https://www.logbee.com/). 2. Login to your Admin Panel-> Configure -> Integrations -> Social and click on Logbee. 3. The next step is to install logmarklet or use a browser button for Chrome, ( soon on Forefox and Safari too!), which will later allow you to easily store your favorite ads into your Logbee account. Just drag the 'log it' button below onto your browser's bookmark bar.

Check out this article on how Longbee works if you have any further questions.

Logbee makes daily deliveries and offers optimized routes so that your product reaches your customers fast and for a resonable price. The higher the volume of deliveries, the lower the price, thanks to their special optimization process.

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