Search Widget
Content: - Configuration - How it works
The Search Widget adds a form to your classifieds website header, sidebar or footer. With the Search Widget created users can search for ads from any page in your site.
Go to your Admin Panel -> Design -> Widgets.
Press Create into the Search widget box.
Configure the Search Widget.
- Where do you want the widget displayed?: Select between the available options, sidebar, header, footer, publish new page or inactive, depends on what your selected theme offers.
- Title displayed: Type the title of the search form. Leave empty for no title.
- Advanced option: Set to True to enable categories and locations selection in the search form.
- Custom fields in search: Set to True to let users filter by custom fields.
- Press Save changes.
How it works
Users and visitors can enter a keyword into the “Advertisement Title” field, select Category, Location, Price From, Price To and enter or select values into the custom fields, if there are any.
By pressing the Search button they will be redirected to the advanced search page with the results of their search below.
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