There are a few requriements before proceeding! Make sure to go though them before trying to install Yclas Self-hosted.
Main requirements
- First and most imporantly you need a computer that has a working internet connection. 💻
- An internet browser. 🌐
- A web hosting that supports:
- Apache 2+
- PHP 7.3+
- Short Tags
- GD support
- mod_rewrite
- Gettext
- Curl
- MySQL 5+
- OpenSSL
- SoapClient
- ZipArchive
- Be sure the php.ini has short_open_tag = On
We definitely recommend a VPS or Dedicated server with at least 1 core, 512MB Ram and 20GB SSD. All this will depend on the amount of data and traffic your site receives. Please consult your system administrator.