How to send a newsletter? 📰
Yclas has a function that enables you to send newsletters to all of the registered users of your site. To make use of this option login to your Admin Panel -> Settings -> Newsletters
To send a message fill in the form:
- To: choose from one of the following options who should receive the message.
- From: write your name that will be displayed as sender.
- From Email: type email that will be displayed for recipients - all replies will be directed to this address.
- Subject: topic of the message.
- Message: body of the email, you can use formatting.
If you need to configure advanced settings, choose Email Settings to configure your email options.
When you hit Send, your message will be sent to the number of recipients that is shown in the grey field at the top of the newsletter box.
All registered users will get your message as a blind copy - details of other users won’t be shown.
*Please, note that the emails will be sent from server which may cause problems when sending newsletters to a large number of recipients. If you need to send many emails with a high delivery rate, check a professional tool like ElasticEmail.
If you are not sure how to manage it, check out our guide on how to congifure ElasticEmail with Yclas