How to import ads

It’s much easier to import advertisements instead of inserting them one by one.

How to use this feature

Create a CSV file in utf8 with header (lower case): user_name user_email title description date category location price address phone website locale* stock* image_1 image_2 image_3 image_4 .. (as many images as you have setup in the system)

  • user_name: Name for user if doesn’t exists will get created.
  • user_email: Email address of user if doesn’t exists will get created.
  • title: Title of the ad, will be used later for the url for SEO.
  • description: Ad description details. Allows bbcode.
  • date: Published date, in format YYYY-MM-DD (for example 2014-05-09).
  • category: Name of the category will be created if doesnt exists.
  • location: Name of the location will be created if doesnt exists.
  • price: Price, numeric (optional).
  • address: Address of the ad, (optional).
  • phone: Phone number (optional).
  • website: Website (optional).
  • locale: locale of the ad, ex fr_FR (* optional, only add in the header if you have multilingual enabled).
  • stock: number (* optional, only add in the header if you have stock control enabled).


We allow to upload as many images as you configured, so if you allow 4 images in the CSV you need to have 4 columns, even if they are empty add them. Images allow remote images like or local, using as base your site root, for example /images/import/ad1_pic3.png. The images will be downloaded, resized, thumbed, and deleted on completion. image_1 image_2 image_3 image_4

Custom Fields:

Note : If you have custom fields created, it is mandatory that you add the fields in the CSV file as headers, with the prefix cf_.

For example, if you have a custom field called “currency_name” in your site, you need to include it in the CSV file headers as “cf_currency_name”.

Download Sample CSV file working for 4 images without locale or stock.

You can use this easy import tool to add all of your ads with a press of a button. You simply need to follow those steps:

  • Log into your Admin Panel.
  • Go to Tools > Import Ads.
  • Click on Choose File to select your CVS file and then press Upload.
  • Now click on Process on the Process Queue box which is displayed on the right side of the page.

You can now see the imported ads on Manage -> Advertisements.

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