Website Content localization

Content: - Show relevant advertisements - Prerequisites - Workflow - Currency Converter Widget - Interactive Map - Translation

Show relevant advertisements


  1. Activate Auto locate visitors (To enable this feature you need to login to your admin panel, go to Settings -> Plugins.
  2. Find and enable Auto Locate Visitors and click Save.
  3. Your site locations must have Latitude and Longitude.
  4. Ads need to have Address.
  5. Google Maps in Publish New must be enabled on Settings -> Advertisement -> Publish Options.
  6. Create a User Location widget on Appearance -> Widgets (optional step)
  7. Set the maximum distance of closest suggested locations to the visitor on Settings -> Advertisement -> Google Maps -> Auto locate distance (optional step).


  1. Users who visit your site will consent to share their location.
  2. They will get a pop up window with your website locations listed in order to choose their closest location.
  3. After that, they will only see ads close to their location.

Currency Converter Widget

Give users the option to select a different currency to sell their ads.

Create a Currency Converter Widget to let your website’s users and visitors convert the prices to their local curreny.

Interactive Map

Interactive Map lets users choose their location or the location they want to browse. Follow this guide to learn how to create an Interactive Map on the homepage of your website.


Let users choose to translate the content of your website in their language by creating a Languages Widget. You have the option to choose which languages will be available.