Chat with Sellers

Yclas makes it possible for users to contact sellers before purchasing a product, using the traditional contact form or through our internal Messaging System

In order to advertise directly on Whatsapp, Skype or Telegram you need to create three user custom fields:


  1. Login to your Admin Panel -> Configure -> Settings -> Custom Fields.
  2. Click on New Field and write down the data accordingly e.g. enter whatsapp in the name field. You can also add "Enter a phone number" or similar in the TOOLTIP field.
  3. Click Create.

Now users can enter their phone number and use Whatsapp for messaging and advertising.


Remember: It’s important to enter whatsapp in the name field while creating the custom field.



  1. Login to your Admin Panel -> Configure -> Settings -> Custom Fields.
  2. Click New Field and fill the fields (enter skype in the name field).
  3. Click Create.

Users can enter their Skype ID to this field on register page or when are update their profile.

Remember: It’s important to enter skype in the name field while creating the custom field.


  1. Login to your Admin Panel -> Configure -> Settings -> Custom Fields.
  2. Click New Field and fill the fields (enter telegram in the name field).
  3. Click Create.

Users can enter their telegram username to this field on register page or when updating their profile.

Remember: It’s important to enter telegram in the name field while creating the custom field.

The result.
