Custom fields
With Custom fields you can create new fields of information that will appear in your advertisement. You can search by this new fields, display different kind of information and easily extend the functionality of your website.
- Learn how to create new custom fields that can be added to advertisements.
Add custom fields into selected categories
- With this feature, you can make any custom field apply to any category you select.
- Learn how to add VAT for your orders.
Publish an add with a different contact email
- Create a new custom field for contacting users without using personal mail.
- Learn how to accept PayPal payments from ads.
- Specify the shipping cost for a product.
- Upload files to your ads from Dropbox or Google Picker and sell them.
- Publish an event date to their ads and sell tickets.
- This feature allows you to attach a text to the email that’s sent to buyers after they purchase an ad.
Publisher to enable/disable comments
- Allow users to leave comments on your website's ads.
- This feature allows users to list and search for vehicles without having to maintain and update the vehicle information (year,model,etc.)
- Allow users to share their Bitcoin address in their ads and user's profile page.
- Allow users to specify the opening hours for an ad.
- Allow users to include an Instagram feed for an ad.