Overview of widgets
Content: - Available widgets - How to create Widgets - Links Widget - User Search Widget
Widgets are useful elements of interface that will help you to navigate and give additional options to your site. You can select which one you want to activate and embed it on your website. There is no limit for adding widgets per page.
To see a full list with available widgets, login to the Admin Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets from the left sidebar or simply select this option from the bookmark in the headline.
Select a widget and press Create. Choose the place where you want a widget displayed (sidebar or footer). In the same way you can render widgets inactive by selecting an option Inactive. Select other settings and hit Save Changes.
On the right side of the screen, you will see all created widgets. You can always edit them. Change the place and order of displaying the widget simply by dragging and dropping.
After creating or editing the widgets, changes might not be visible on the site unless you Delete cache -> Tools > Cache on the left sidebar and press Delete all).
## Available widgets
Ads Helps you to place a banner on your site with the Latest Ads, Popular Ads, last month or Featured Ads. You can regulate how many ads are being displayed.
Featured Ads Only featured ads will be displayed.
Subscribe Subscribe for categories functions that give your users the option to subscribe and get an email whenever a new advertisement appears in the category or locations they choose. They can select also price range in which they are interested.
Text Places a banner on your site in which you can display whatever you want: it can be text or HTML code.
Share On the page buttons enabling users to share the content in the social media will be available.
Pages Displays a banner with links to existing CMS pages. ( check: How to add pages )
Contact Shows a contact form in the ad pages so that potential buyers can contact the seller.
Locations Display locations in a banner to make easier to scroll between them and locate the ads. (see: How to add locations?
Stats Displays your site's statistics: number of views, ads and users.
Categories Displays a banner with a list of categories and subcategories for improving navigation between them (see: How to add categories and manage them?
RSS RSS reader to publish news from selected RSS channels.
Map Places Google Maps on your website and shows localisations of ads (see: Why is my map widget not showing anything?.
Disqus This widget displays the latest comments by Disqus for your website (see: How to activate comments with Disqus?
Chat This widget allows you to chat with your users ( see: How to add a chat room to my classifieds website?.
Links With this widget you can create a link network to easily navigate the information on your website.
Tools Enables you to use admin Tools to editing ads.
Search Makes it easy for users to find specific information using the option of advanced search.
Forum topics An easy way to build and establish a bond with your users by offering support and letting them express their opinion (see: How to add a forum section?
Interactive Map Displays an Interactive Map (see: How to add an Interactive Map?
- User Location Allows users to change their selected location. Also it’s possible to select their location directly from the map.
- User Search Allows users search for other users. Search can also include users custom fields.
- Recently searched Displays previous user search on your site.
- Coupon The users can use their coupon using this widget. You just need to add the coupon name and click Add.
- Language Allowes users to choose in which language your website will be translated. For more information, follow this guide.
- Currency Converter Users can choose between your selected currencies and have an ad prices converter for their chosen currency. More information here
- Follow Add social media follow buttons. Insert the URL of your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, Youtube and Flickr page to create the buttons that will make it easier for visitors to follow you on social media direclty from your website.
- Image Uses the URL of an image to show it as a responsive image on your website.
- Blog Posts Diplays the latest blog posts of your website in a widget.